Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Quick Hits 2014.01.22

Struggling to come up with anything original and meaningful, so here's a potpourri of miscellaneous items. Enjoy.

That's going to leave a mark:

Talking about the dangers football players face from concussions, obama had this to say.
"I would not let my son play pro football..."
In response, Mark Levin laid a verbal hurt on the prez.
"Well let me tell you something Mr. President. I wouldn’t let my son be an ambassador under you. I’d much rather that he played football."

I should have posted this for MLK day.

(H/T Doug Ross)

Frequent Flier's Wet Dream

This Woman Should Be Put In Charge Of Detroit (Seriously)


Old NFO said...

Good ones! And Carson is DEAD ON!!!

CenTexTim said...

Too bad more people don't listen to him.