Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Social Media Explained

I'm not really sure anymore why I keep this blog going. I guess it's become a habit. I do, however, draw the line at Twitter, Instagram, and those other Johnny-Come-Latelys. In fact, I'm not even sure what many of the new social media variants are. Which is why I was grateful for this explanation.


Old NFO said...

LOL, I'm with you... And this is a good habit, it gives me a dose of either humor or things to think about every day! ;-)

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Think I will stay in the irritable old geezer mode. Facebook to keep track of the grandkids, and blogging to vent. All others, meh.

CenTexTim said...

NFO - it also can be a great big time sink...

WSF - I'm with you. Those two are my limit.